Monday, January 31, 2011

say moo!!!

okay, so i am a total dork.  i know this; i accept this.  the other day i get this link for business cards and out out curiosity i click on it. I LUV IT!!!  i know, who luvs business cards? But these are just so dang diggity!!! check it out:
  under the same moon & stars,

the colors are totally FAB!!!

the possibilities for the mini cards are endlessly amazing!!!

& sticker books ROCK!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

$20 Art

while browsing the web recently i stumbled upon this great site for art~~

i luv this!!!
and this one~

 under the same moon and stars

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


so the other day i was listening to KLOVE on one of my many kid commutes through out the day; and Lisa & Eric (dj's) were talking about the words they have chosen for this year.  Lisa talked about her word: CLEAR.  It stuck with me.  I came home and looked up the word.  I had never really thought about the many meanings of CLEAR and once I saw them all I knew I had to make it my word also.

What word will you choose to be your mantra, your hum that makes you an even more phenomenal person, helps keep your mind clear and your heart full of joy and happiness?  

Under the same moon & stars


Definition of CLEAR
b : cloudless; specifically : less than one-tenth covered <a clear sky>
c : free from mist, haze, or dust <a clear day>
d : untroubled, serene <a clear gaze>
: clean, pure: as
a : free from blemishes <clear skin>
b : easily seen through : transparent <clear glass>
c : free from abnormal sounds on auscultation
a : easily heard <a loud and clear sound>
b : easily visible : plain <a clear signal>
c : free from obscurity or ambiguity : easily understood : unmistakable <a clear explanation>
a : capable of sharp discernment : keen <a clear thinker>
b : free from doubt : sure <not clear on how to proceed>
: free from guile or guilt : innocent <a clear conscience>
: unhampered by restriction or limitation: as
a : unencumbered by debts or charges <a clear estate>
b : net <a clear profit>
c : unqualified, absolute <a clear victory>
d : free from obstruction <clear passage>
e : emptied of contents or cargo
f : free from entanglement or contact <staying clear of controversy> <keep clear of the boundary>
g : bare, denuded <clear ground>
clear·ness noun

Saturday, January 15, 2011

phenomenal woman

When i was in elementary school i got to sit on the floor before Maya Angelou and hear her tell the story of Two White Horses.  i didn’t move, the tone of her voice the pause between words, i was entranced.  i loved the idea of story telling.  not to be immodest, but i am a good speaker (it worked well for me in law school moot court).  but, it never occurred to me that I could be a “real” story teller when i grew up.  but that is something else all together.  so, i found “Phenomenal Woman” and i can just hear her voice in my mind and picture the way she would look, how she would use her hands if i were once again sitting in front of her, listening to her strong voice.  So, as you read this i hope you can hear the strength, power and pride along with the words.
under the same moon and stars, 
Phenomenal Woman
Pretty women wonder where
my secret lies.
I’m not cute or built to suit a 
fashion model’s size.
But when I start to tell them, 
They think I’m telling lies.
I say,
It’s in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal Woman,
That’s me.
~Maya Angelou

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

glass ashtrays and unicorns

i heart thrifting!  Really? Someone just got rid of this?  I have been rediscovering the joy of rummaging through other peoples cast offs.  We have this place called “The Bargain Box” that has the greatest stuff for next to nothing!  I got a bag of hard back books for my kiddos ~ count them 11 books~ for $3. Can you believe it~ 3 stinking bucks!  Who doesn’t love that?! just a couple of pics of some of the books I found. 


Then, I scored this amazing antique singer foot pedal sewing machine table (sans old sewing machine) for $35!  It's in awesome condition and I am infatuated with it!  

and this old school Alvin & the Chipmunks Christmas DOUBLE vinyl~ for ONE DOLLAR!  Now, where did I put my record player? 

Then, I found this old school WOOD dresser with mirror for my girls in great condition ~totally retro~ for $25~ yes~ that’s right folks~ $TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS!!!  I love how the mirror sits off centre! 

here it is~ just off the truck                                   all cleaned up

Then, I look over and see this army green bag.  It turns out it was an army mine bag~ yep, that’s right~ a bag that held deadly mines~ it even had the instructions sewn on with diagrams showing how to:
ONE: Where to Position the Mine~ WARNING: TAKE COVER
TWO: How to Aim Mine
THREE: How to Arm Mine
FOUR: How to Test Circuit
FIVE: How to Fire Mine
my hubby loves it! one of the best dollar finds! 

and a three dollar find~ really $3 for this great little table?! Total score! 

I scored this sweet brass and cut glass with beveled edges ashtray~ I don't smoke, but for a dollar it was too pretty to pass up~ and I will find some use for it.  

and how could i pass up this cuttie?  she has a twin that i'm sending to a dear friend.

so, that's what I've been up to~ happy thrifting people!

under the same moon and stars,

Monday, January 10, 2011

These are not the droids you're looking for.

So, I made a shirt for my friend Mimi, of The Big Fat Bet Blog & her Kiss Me Koko blog.  It comes with instructions.  It's not that I doubt Mimi's ability to dress herself, but this is a special shirt.  At first glance it's just a cute little shirt with a bow tie.  That is until you have to switch to spy mode and become someone else.  Then you lift your left forearm up to your lips, just under your nose and voila~ you become unrecognizable!  Here it is, I'm sending it to her this week.  I hope she likes it!!! Let me know what you think.

under the same moon and stars,
p.s. mustaches make me laugh! 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Let Your Light Shine!

it's been awhile, so here is a little inspiration for the new year!!!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most.  We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?”  Actually, who are you not to be?  You are a child of God.  Your playing small does not serve the world.  There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won’t feel insecure around you.  We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.  It’s not just in some of us; it is in all of us.  And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.  

under the same moon and stars