Thursday, February 24, 2011

Enrico Fermi

There's two possible outcomes: if the result confirms the hypothesis, then you've made a measurment. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you've made a discovery.
Enrico Fermi

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

feeling small

a musing by me

spinning like a whirling dervish
days filled from end to end with meaningless nothings
punctuated be moments of vast importance
fleeting years and sluggish days
wishing away our lives
in all the universe we are but a pin prick

under the same moon & stars,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What if You Slept?

lately i seem to be running around so much i've lost my motivation for creating.  between the craziness of my life and exhaustion my motivation and creativity have taken a sabbatical.   so tonight  i will go to bed early and tomorrow will be a new day and i will hunt down my motivation and creativity like a Neanderthal hunting her next meal, because for some of us, creating is like food, we need it to live or else we whither and die.  So tonight I will sleep.

under the same moon & stars,

What if you slept ?
And what if,
In your sleep
You dreamed ?
And what if,
In your dream,
You went to heaven
And there plucked
A strange and
Beautiful flower ?

And what if,
When you awoke,
You had the flower in your hand ?
Ah, what then?

Samuel Taylor Coleridge 

Friday, February 4, 2011

beautiful things

my husband calls my family Nomadic.  I guess compared to his family we are.  His parents still live in the same town, street, house he grew up in; 30 some odd years in the very same house.  My family hasn't lived in the same house for more than maybe 5 years at the most.  So, in all of our movings I am a pretty good packer, my husband not so much.  He holds on to everything; a luxury of never having to move all that stuff from one place to another.  I periodically purge.  
Recently I went through my many boxes of magazines.  I held on to a few: Real Simple, Living, Blueprint, Fresh Home and Ready Made.
I whittled the many magazines down to one wine box. The rest I tore out pages of things I enjoyed and want to get; that ended up being 4 'books'. 

ONE BOX                                                                   4 'BOOKS'
Here is just a sampling of some of my wants that make up my own "magazine books"

i want this frog doorbell cover & this cheese plate & slicer 

i love the colors in this lamp

mirror mirror on the wall....

i luv these lamps~ especially the simplicity of the bulb on the cord
the faux deer head, the pale blue I would have this whole look in my place!
this is just too sweet
i am infatuated with the reusing of the legos!
if i were a fish, i would totally live here! 

these are a few of my favorite things!

under the same moon & stars,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Okay.  Confession time.  I am a Liar.  I didn't mean to and perhaps "lier" is too strong a word.  I had a misconception about myself.  You see I am always saying how much I don't like little tchotkys around, (well I must admit again it is not the items themselves but the cleaning of).  I don't want to be cleaning little things all the time so I avoid them.  Or, at least I thought I did.  While doing some "work" on my computer (lie), I rearranged the 'things' on my desk and this is what I saw:

                                        a mini cooper model, a thrift store unicorn, a little dragon
and this, yep that's pinky & the brain along with a mini banana peel and yoda and herbie race car Mickey
my Christmas artichoke, a cup my mom gave, & cookies along with 'desk' stuff 

I rearrange my little treasures periodically and while doing so the other day I realized I lied.  I do like my knick knacks~ and that I should just admit and accept this~ so
Hello, My name is Ibuna and I love knick-knacks.  

under the same moon & stars,