Monday, September 19, 2011

no in between

so, i'm always thinking that things are going to slow down.  after the holidays; when the kids go back to school; when ~fill in the blank~ is done I'll have time to ~fill in the blank~.  The truth is that things never really slow down.  Life only has two speeds: Go and Stop, there is no in between.  So, whatever it is
things only happen when you make time for them to happen.
Remember to take care of the important things.

under the same moon & stars,

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Just in case you don't know, I'm not the most technologically advanced gal.  Facebook is sometimes a challenge for me.  I'm still unsure on how to "plug" in a video, or vlog, or whatever it is called when you link something on some page or another.  In fact this blog is sometimes a real effort for me.  I wanna make it all pretty and swirly, and perhaps one day I will take the time to figure it all out.  The reality of my world is that I like to write with a pen and paper, when I read a book I want to hold actual paper,  I miss when video games and movies weren't all 3D; unfortunately, the reality of the World doesn't jive with mine.
So, I will try to advance my techie skills, but, the reality is I'm really not in any kind of hurry.