Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I've been MIA.  I know.  Please don't add to my guilt.  I've been busy.  PLAYING.  My bestest bud came up from San Antonio and we hung out.  we thrifted.  we laughed ( i think i peed a little).  we ate out (hello Greek/ Italian Castle)  we wandered.  I missed my buddy.  I wish we lived closer.  Since we don't she comes to see me and hairy nesto and our monkeys.  She's gone now, and I'm a bit sad but we are going to plan a girl getaway soon.  Sharing some pics of us playing~ and make sure you make time in your life to play!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dr. Who

So I've been hooked on the British TV series Doctor Who.  My husband laughs at me; he thinks it's cheesy.  (Like he has room to talk after some of the cheese he watches.)  There was an episode about parallel worlds, what one seemingly simple decision, like turning left instead of right, can change your whole world.  The possibilities are endless.  Every day we make little "meaningless" decisions.  We never really think about the decisions we make and how they impact us.  What if the world we think is real; isn't. It blows my mind.  The infiniteness of it all; endless possibilities; the butterfly effect.  Space and time, all of it amazes me.  It also humbles me.  Look at the stars.  Doesn't it make you feel small?  And isn't it thrilling to think that you have a place among it all, even if it's just a dot? We all matter, we are all connected, we all impact one another.  Amazing.  Just amazing.